For the development of the research process we used a Case Study carried out in the municipality of Porto Tolle (RO) in the beach called Barricata. To this end, we have entered into a framework agreement with the Associazione Balneari Barricata Boccasette DeltaPo.

The case study of the Barricata and Boccasette site was used for the first implementation and test of the BA certification rating.


This activity includes, among others, those contained in the framework agreement between the CFR -GdLab + and the BALNEARI BARRICATA BOCCASETTE DELTAPO Association


The choice of a particularly delicate site like Barricata is justified by the fact that it can be considered as the extreme limit that can be reached in terms of naturalistic and environmental importance in the national context. The beach, in fact, was born in the early years of the '900 as a natural scanno of the mouths of the Po delle Tolle. Access to the beach is secured by a mobile floating bridge on duty only during the summer season. The area is located in the Po Delta Park and the 2015 UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserve. It is considered one of the highest hydrogeological risk sites in Italy (ISPRA 2017).

The case study of the Barricata and Boccasette site was presented at the annual New Urbanism Congress held in Louisville last June.